NewsletterProduct ManagementTechnology & Innovation

Top Podcasts for Product Managers in 2021

Podcasts are a great way to stay updated on the latest technology and market trends. As a product manager and an investor, it is essential to stay informed on the latest trends and news. And a podcast is a great way to get those insights. Here are some of my Go-to Podcasts for 2021 to stay updated on industry trends. So Enjoy these podcasts while going for a walk or cooking 🙂 1. Acquired…
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Product ManagementTools

A Comprehensive Guide to Product Management Tools 2021

A Comprehensive Guide to Product Management Tools 2021 As a Product Manager, there are multiple facets that you need to focus on throughout the product life cycle like Product RoadMap, Product Vision, Design & Requirements, backlog, Analytics, Product development, and introduction. So it makes sense to use some of the tools which come in handy to focus your energy on the right places. Here…
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Product Management

Explained Product life cycle Stages with examples

What is Product life cycle? Product Life Cycle (PLC) is the various stages a product goes through when introduced into the market until its retirement. It encompasses the analysis of the whole lifespan of the product. PLC helps companies track the product’s health and make an informed strategic decision on how to price, promote, expand, and reduce its cost. Based on the product’s…
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Product Management

Top 3 Product Management Tools

Before we dig into some of the tools available in the market for product management , it is important to understand why do we need a product management tool and how is product management different from project management. What is the difference between Product Management and Project Management? Product Management involves focusing on the overall product success and making strategic decisions…
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Product DevelopmentProduct Management

Primary role and responsibilities of a Product Owner

A Product Owner is responsible for maximizing the product’s value by prioritizing the requirements that provide maximum value and are an integral part of product development. They have several key roles and responsibilities right from product discovery through product development until maintenance. A Product Owner’s primary role is to act as a liaison between stakeholders and team…
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Product Management

How to Prepare for a successful product launch?

For a successful release of new product or new feature a proper strategy and preparation work is required . Product Managers need to clearly define the checklist in order to deliver on their product vision. It is important that the product managers align the cross functional teams and make sure that all aspects for product release is covered TheLAST10% it takes to launch something…
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