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Top Podcasts for Product Managers in 2021

Podcasts are a great way to stay updated on the latest technology and market trends. As a product manager and an investor, it is essential to stay informed on the latest trends and news. And a podcast is a great way to get those insights. Here are some of my Go-to Podcasts for 2021 to stay updated on industry trends. So Enjoy these podcasts while going for a walk or cooking 🙂 1. Acquired…
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Technology & Innovation

Introducing Amazon Go - Most Advanced Shopping Technology

What is Amazon Go ? Amazon Go is a chain of convenience store with the most advanced shopping technology, literally with no checkout required. Yes, you read it right,no Checkout –Just Grab and Go We have seen many supermarket industry efforts for faster checkout, self-service checkout, and OPUS stores. Still, Amazon pretty much caught the industry off guarded with the whole…
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