
Shopify’s Evolution By Ben Thompson

Tobi Lütke, who famously started Shopify when he realized that the software he built to run his snowboard shop was a much bigger opportunity than the shop itself, was reminiscing on Twitter about how cheap it used to be to run digital advertising. This isn’t just a fun story: it’s a critical insight into the conditions that enabled Shopify to become the company that it is today; understanding…
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NewsletterProduct ManagementTechnology & Innovation

Top Podcasts for Product Managers in 2021

Podcasts are a great way to stay updated on the latest technology and market trends. As a product manager and an investor, it is essential to stay informed on the latest trends and news. And a podcast is a great way to get those insights. Here are some of my Go-to Podcasts for 2021 to stay updated on industry trends. So Enjoy these podcasts while going for a walk or cooking 🙂 1. Acquired…
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Learn About Google OKRs (Objective & Key Results)

Learn About Google OKRs (Objective & Key Results) OKRs was initially introduced as iMBOs(Intel Management By Objectives) by Andy Grove at Intel, and he introduced the concept to John Doerr. In the late 90s, John Doerr presented OKRs to Google’s leadership when Google was less than a year old, and they’ve been in use since then. GV partner Rick Klau covers the value of setting…
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Product ManagementTools

A Comprehensive Guide to Product Management Tools 2021

A Comprehensive Guide to Product Management Tools 2021 As a Product Manager, there are multiple facets that you need to focus on throughout the product life cycle like Product RoadMap, Product Vision, Design & Requirements, backlog, Analytics, Product development, and introduction. So it makes sense to use some of the tools which come in handy to focus your energy on the right places. Here…
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Technology & Innovation

Introducing Amazon Go - Most Advanced Shopping Technology

What is Amazon Go ? Amazon Go is a chain of convenience store with the most advanced shopping technology, literally with no checkout required. Yes, you read it right,no Checkout –Just Grab and Go We have seen many supermarket industry efforts for faster checkout, self-service checkout, and OPUS stores. Still, Amazon pretty much caught the industry off guarded with the whole…
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AARRR vs RARRA: Pirate Metrics Explained

Pirates metrics have become a popular model for business growth — but what are they and do they actually lead you to that buried treasure? First presented by Dave McClure in his presentation “Startup Metrics for Pirates” in 2007, the AARRR method was originally meant for tracking product marketing and management and focused on acquisition. However, […]Read More…The post AARRR vs…
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Technical Debt - by Martin Fowler

Software systems are prone to the build up ofcruft– deficiencies in internal quality that make it harder than it would ideally be to modify and extend the system further. Technical Debt is a metaphor, coined by Ward Cunningham, that frames how to think about dealing with this cruft, thinking of it like a financial debt. The extra effort that it takes to add new features is the…
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India, Jio, and the Four Internets

One of the more pernicious mistruths surroundingthe debate about TikTokis that this will potentially lead to the splintering of the Internet; this completely erases the history of China’s Great Firewall, started 23 years ago, which effectively cut China off from most Western services. That the U.S. may finally respond in kind is a reflection of reality, not the creation of a new…
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Alex Zhu Insights on Consumer Product

Alex Zhu Insights on Consumer Product A must watch video for product people from Alex Zhu co-founder and co-CEO of (currently President at TikTok) giving us insights on the consumer product and some of the key lessons learned from his failure and success . was an app through which users could create 15 sec lip-syncing music videos, it was launched in Aug 2014. In June…
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